Read an eBook Week begins March 1 and runs through the 14th. Samhain & MBaM & The Samhellion websites are among the sponsors for this, starting today on the shiny new I Read Romance chat loop!
March 1 is Samhain Author List Day at the chat loop. Click here and join the loop by clicking the Chat Loop link in the menu. You could win a free ebook of your choice - and one lucky entrant will win an eBookwise eReader!
28 February 2009
Read An Ebook Week!
Labels: free stuff
23 February 2009
FANTASM Awards - Voting Open
Click here to vote for Short Stories and Novellas. (Ahem..."Wildish Things" is nominated in the Best Overall Speculative Romance category!)
Click here to vote for your favorite novels.
Labels: fantasm
18 February 2009
Heads Up, Authors: Cool Seminar In Progress
Pat Bertam's guest blogger through Feb. 25 is Dr. Katherine Ramsland, who has published 33 books and teaches forensic psychology and criminal justice at DeSales University, where she chairs the Social Sciences Department.
Dr. Ramsland is giving us a look inside the mind of a serial killer, and dispelling a number of myths associated with them. Don't miss it!
Labels: writing
16 February 2009
Celtophile Monday: Celtic Gardens
As I write this it is Imbolc, Feb. 2. The Cailleach was awakened by the sun this morning, which means she will be out collecting wood all day. Why? She'll need it as she holes up for six more weeks of winter. *sigh*
So I got to thinking about gardens, anything to lift the depression! LOL Here are some links I came across in my search for a little virtual warmth.
Celtic Gardens Hey! This place is right up the road in Michigan! Their philosophy: "God makes; man shapes." Check out the photo gallery.
Celtic Dream Garden This place looks like it's worth a road trip...
Walled garden at Castle of Mey, Scotland. Rescued from abandonment by the Queen Mother in 1952.
Cawdor Castle, Scotland, is not far from Culloden. I've actually been here in high summer and it is gorgeous. I find something appealing about the controlled chaos of a UK/Irish/Scottish garden. :)
Rowallane Garden, Northern Ireland
If you are ever in northern Wales, do NOT pass up the chance to see Bodnant Gardens. It's magical. Their collection of azaleas and rhododendrons is unmatched.
Beautiful walled garden in Strathgary, Scotland.
Warmed up? I am! Come on, spring!
Labels: celtophile monday, gardening, Scotophile Monday
14 February 2009
10 February 2009
2008 Ariadne Awards - Vote Now!
The nominees are in! Click here to vote for your favorites of 2008!
Labels: vote
09 February 2009
Celtophile Monday
Ya know, it just doesn't get any better than this. Enjoy!
(Thanks to Carl McColman for the link.)
Labels: celtophile monday, Scotophile Monday
08 February 2009
Eat your heart out, Florida!
Labels: funnies
05 February 2009
03 February 2009
Chat with me Feb. 4!
You're all invited to chat with the Beyond the Veil authors all day Wednesday, Feb. 4at the Coffeetime Romance Latte Lounge!
Labels: chat
02 February 2009
How To Make A St. Brighid's Cross
Finally, a simple, clear set of instructions! :)
This is a fun project for February, the month of St. Brighid. Enjoy!
(Note: Keep in mind when she says "turn it 45 degrees" she's actually turning it 90 degrees!)
For more Imbolc fun and recipes, check out my Winter 2009 newsletter.
Labels: celtophile monday, Scotophile Monday