I was warned.
Two different doctors urged me to get a flu shot last fall. I blew it off. After all, I'd never gotten one before and in the last 20 years I've gotten flu maybe once.
OK, so now it's twice.
Having even my eyelids hurt so bad I can't hold them open is enough for me.
Next year, I'll dutifully get in line for my shot.
I have seen the light.
30 March 2007
Bit by the bug...
Labels: the writer's life
25 March 2007
How dirty is your mind?
I horked this from Donna Grant:
Your Mind is PG-13 Rated |
![]() Your mind is definitely a little dirty. You're naughty, but not trashy. You don't shy away from a dirty joke, and you're clearly not a prude. |
Labels: quiz
23 March 2007
Thursday 13 - A Day Late!
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On any given day you'll find me in the wine aisle. Not buying (not this week, anyway - stocked up last week, thanks) but snickering at the funny names winemakers come up with the catch your attention. Here are just a few off the top of my head that I've seen recently: 1. Smoking Loon 2. Funky Llama (now I ASK you, would you drink a wine that's smelly llama flavored?) 3. Fat Bastard 4. Marilyn Merlot's Naked Grape (That one's for you, J.C.!) 5. Scraping the Barrell 6. Cardinal Zin 7. 3 Blind Moose 8. 7 Deadly Zins 9. Leapfrogmilch 10. Cat's Pee on a Gooseberry Bush 11. Barking Owl 12. Road Kill Red 13. Bitch Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!) |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Labels: thursday 13
19 March 2007
Irish jigging like mad...
I'm pleased to announce I've made another sale to SamhainPublishing.com!
My next release will be a novella called WILDISH THINGS, a sexy contemporary steeped in Celtic mythology. Ebook release date will be sometime this summer. The story will be part of a Samhain's annual Celtic anthology, called "Love & Lore", to be released in paperback late in 2007 or early 2008. My partners in mayhem on this project are Sela Carsen and Gia Dawn!
Here's a wee blurby thing for WILDISH THINGS:
Beith Molloy, a famed wildlife artist, is traveling to Ireland to put her career back on track after spending a year recovering from a badly shattered leg, suffered in a freak accident with a motorcycle. But when she lands in Dublin, she discovers that her friend and traveling companion, Kemberlee, suddenly got ill and didn’t meet her as planned. Kemberlee didn’t leave her stranded, though, and called on an old friend to send Beith a tour guide.
Although uncertain about being alone in a strange country with a bad leg, one look at the hunky, auburn-haired, green-eyed Kellan O’Neill, and she changes her mind. Even when she finds out that he intends to ride her around Ireland on a motorcycle, she quashes her fear and hops on. And quickly discovers Kel is possessed of more than a little of the daredevil. All she can do is close her eyes and hang on for dear life.
Kel congratulates himself for pulling off the caper of a lifetime, right under his big brother Declan’s nose. One look at Beith’s photograph (which Declan attempted to hide from him, knowing his little brother’s impulsive ways), and he’s determined to have a fine summer fling with her. Before Beith’s real escort meets her at the airport, Kel slips in and spirits her away.
Little do they know, the Cailleach has plans for both of them. The Cailleach – the restless and lustful Hag – the most ancient goddess of Ireland, lies in wait in the Burren. She knows what Beith and Kel are both wildish things, destined for each other. But first they must both overcome their demons.
And the Hag knows just how to make that happen.
I'm doing revisions now and giggling like a madwoman. This is a fun one, folks! I look forward to sharing it with you!
Labels: books
16 March 2007
St. Patrick's Day Chat at Joyfully Reviewed!
Let the Ceilidh begin!
Join me, J.C. Wilder and Isabo Kelly all day (well, most of the day) on the Joyfully Reviewed Chat Loop.
There'll be prizes, excerpts, and even live text-message reports from a real Irish pub in NYC from Isabo. Listen in while I hold my nose to cook corned beef for my husband and son. (Childhood trauma with corned beef. Don't ask.)
Everyone who posts has a chance to win downloads of our In The Gloaming novellas. Last drawing will be round 6 p.m. - Hey, I have to head out to the pubs at some point! Hope to see you there!
Labels: chat
15 March 2007
Join me today at Brenda Williamson's Romance Party!
Please join me and my fellow "In The Gloaming" anthology authors J.C. Wilder and Isabo Kelly at Brenda Williamson's Romance Party!
We'll be chatting, posting excerpts, and giving away free stuff. The Guinness is on tap and the Jameson's is stocked. Come on over for some good craic!
Labels: ceilidh
11 March 2007
Beam me to Linlithgow, Scottie!
Okay, show of hands. Who else's favorite character on the original Star Trek series is Scottie? (I say "is" because this show is still in syndication and I still watch it.)
As if they had nothing better to do, several towns in Scotland have been competing for the honor of being named Montogomery Scott's birthplace. NOT James Doohan's, mind you - Scottie. The fictional character! Here's more:
James Doohan, the actor who played Montgomery Scott, the chief engineer on the starship Enterprise, passed away in July 2005. There was then an unseemly scramble by a number of Scottish locations to be named as the (future) birthplace of the fictional character. Elgin and Linlithgow vied with Aberdeen, each quoting verbal and written "evidence". It now seems that Linlithgow has won this particular space race. A writer who created many of the original Star Trek episodes has confirmed to West Lothian's "enterprise committee" that the future birthplace (on June 28, 2222) of "Scotty" who regularly beamed up Captain Kirk, was/will be none other than Linlithgow. Now the town where Mary Queen of Scots was born is planning a Star Trek exhibition in the Annet House Museum. It will feature the original Star Trek costume worn by Scotty plus a scale model of the famous starship Enterprise. So in addition to displaying the history of the town, the museum will be showing its future as well...
Source: Rampant Scotland
Labels: ceilidh
09 March 2007
Thirteen Essential Essential Oils
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A few years ago, J.C. Wilder got me interested in aromatherapy. Yes, indeedy, she has led me astray numerous times, but for today let's just follow our noses, shall we? 'kay! An essential oils is the distilled liquid essence of a single plant. Smelling these essences have been shown to alter brain patterns; applying diluted oils to the skin can bring about healing, or at least alleviation of symptoms. Over the years I've collected quite a number of these little phials of joy, but there are only certain ones that I keep using up and having to restock. Of the 40 or 50 in my collection, these are the 13 essentials oils in my don't-leave-home-without, marooned-on-a-desert-island kit. The first four of these - eucalyptus, thyme, tea tree, and lemon - are my secret weapon to ease colds and coughs. A few drops in a steam humidfier in your bedroom at night, and you'll sleep like a baby! I've listed what I use them for, but there are certainly multiple uses. Consult a reputable resource book like the works of Valerie Worwood, before trying ANY of these. Note: With the exception of lavender, no essential oil should be applied to the skin without diluting it first! Eucalyptus - I go through two bottles of this every winter to fight coughs and colds Thyme - Anti bacterial, anti-viral Tea Tree - Anti bacterial, anti-viral Lemon - Antibacterial, antiviral. Generally makes you feel better when you smell it Rosemary - Great for hair and scalp, to lift the spirits and stimulate circulation Lavender - Headaches, relaxation, stress reducer Clary Sage - Rubbed on the abdomen for "that time of the month" Rose - Headaches, stress Jasmine - Aphrodesiac! Chamomile - Calming, relaxing, headaches, enhances creativity. Ginger - Motion sickness Sandalwood - When I need a little courage boost Black Pepper - Mental alertness, jet lag Citronella - Bug repellant Grapefruit - Antidepressant Links to other Thursday Thirteens! (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!) J.C. Wilder ~ Ciar Cullen ~ Lady G |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Labels: essential oils, thursday 13
07 March 2007
What I'm Reading
I love it when I finish a manuscript! I get my brain all to myself for a little while - until the next story and characters take it over again.
During these rare, brief respites, I go on novel-buying sprees. Here's what's fresh in my TBR pile:
DANGEROUS TEMPTATION, Kathleen Korbel (Silhouette Nocturne)
MY WICKED HIGHLANDER, Jen Holling (Pocket)
OVER THE MOON, anthology, Angela Knight, MaryJanice Davidson, Virginia Kantra, et al) (Berkeley)
I've been a fan of Kathleen Korbel since forever... her amazing WALK ON THE WILD SIDE is still on my keeper shelf, and inspired me to write my first novel, BEAUDRY'S GHOST. The genres were completely different, but WILD SIDE takes place over just a few days, and so does BEAUDRY. She showed me it was possible to develop a compelling romance in a very compressed time frame. :) All you need are the right characters!
Jen's book is draped in Scottish plaid, so what's not to like? CATCH THE MOON contains two other favorite writers, Angela Knight and Virgina Kantra. Plus I like those quickie anthologies.
The thing I noticed that all these books have in common, is a paranormal element. Ghosts, witches, werewolves, oh my!
With my own Celtic and Southern heritage, ghost stories, legends and myths have always been a natural part of my life. So it's only natural that I'm drawn to these kinds of stories, and write them myself.
I have a pot of chicken/sausage/veggie soup simmering on the stove right now, and it smells sooooo good! Time for me to go pop some rolls in the oven to go with it. There's something about bubbling soup on a cold snowy day that makes everything right with the world.
Labels: books
04 March 2007
Scottish Poetry Corner
The Roof of Straw
I ask no lordling's titled name,
Nor miser's hoarded store;
I ask to live with those I love,
Contented though I 'm poor.
From joyless pomp and heartless mirth
I gladly will withdraw,
And hide me in this lowly vale,
Beneath my roof of straw.
To hear my Nancy's lips pronounce
A husband's cherish'd name,
To press my children to my heart
Are titles, wealth and fame.
Let kings and conquerors delight
To hold the world in awe,
Be mine to find content and peace
Beneath my roof of straw.
When round the winters' warm fireside
We meet with social joy,
The glance of love to every heart
Shall speak from every eye.
More lovely far such scenes of bliss
Than monarch ever saw,
Even angels might delight to dwell
Beneath my roof of straw.
Labels: ceilidh
01 March 2007
First review for Abhainn's Kiss!
This tale was a real page turner. The story was so engrossing that it could easily stand alone, but this reviewer has no doubt that it will sell the anthology as well. This fantasy was well worth losing sleep over. If you enjoy fantasy, legend, and star-crossed romance you are sure to enjoy Abhainn's Kiss.
--Leslie Tramposch, PNR Reviews
Thanks, Leslie!
Labels: books