10 September 2007

Lookee My Purty New Cover!!

We interrupt the regular Scotophile Monday post (it's the next one down) with...THIS!!

The ebook cover for Wildish Things (Nov. 1), art by the fabulous Anne Cain. When I finally meet Anne in person, I'm sure I'm going to be one of dozens of authors standing in line to kiss her feet, give her flowers and chocolate, stuff dollar bills into her thong... er, sorry, wrong fantasy. [blowing kisses toward Anne]

Gia Dawn and Sela Carsen are my partners in this anthology. Their covers is just as purty!


Tam G. said...

Love it!!!

Dayna_Hart said...

ooh! The cover is LOVELY *also worshipping Anne for a moment*


I've read Sela's book for this anthology! While reading your Abhainn's kiss, I remember thinking how the two of you would mesh well in an anthology. I'm SO stoked to know it's going to happen. YAY!

Carolan Ivey said...


That is so true Dayna... when I read their stories for this anthology I was astounded at how well the three novellas fit together.

I'm playing with the idea of keeping this team together and doing another Celtic anthology next year - if they're willing. :)

Lindsey said...

OH! Wow, Carolan, that is gorgeous. I just love it! Anne is so amazingly talented.

Now I can't wait to see what they come up with for Beaudry's Ghost!

Joely Skye said...

Fantastic cover, Carolan!!

Carolan Ivey said...

Thanks, ladies!

Lindsey - I can't wait for the Beaudry cover, either. I am already stocking up on tissues because I know I'm going to cry. (in a good way) LOL

Ana said...

The cover is amazing, Anne definitely does great covers. By the way I always get distracted by your kilt guy. lol

Carolan Ivey said...

LOL! Thanks Ana. I guess I could change out that picture, but I've grown kind of attached to that boy's butt.

tea_please said...

Hey, I know that dolmen (or whatever the proper name is). It's in The Burren : )

Lovely composition piece!

Carolan Ivey said...

Hi Tea!

Yes, that's Poulnaborne (sp?)dolmen, on the Burren. My husband and I went to see it on a trip in 2000. Gosh, has it been almost 7 years? Doesn't seem like it. :)

Anonymous said...

very nice cover